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Hello…nice to meet you!

Hello my name is Abbey and I am a Personal Stylist, offering Style Services inc. Wardrobe Edits, Shopping Experiences, Colour & Body shape analysis, Bespoke Experiences, Workshops and Style Events. I specialise in Style Transitions specifically for women changing careers, looking for a promotion, setting up their own business, returning to work or having lost their style mojo, requiring empathy, intuition and creativity. I love what I do and one of my favourite fashion quotes, ‘Never underestimate the power of a great outfit on a bad day’ really sums up how I feel about style.

I worked for many years in advertising and marketing for a national newspaper, which I loved, until having children and moving away from London. I decided to re-train in visual merchandising and window dressing, creating beautiful displays for boutiques and fabric shops in London and through this, I fell in love with fashion retail.

In 2013 I set up my own women’s fashion boutique in my local town offering a range of stylish, unique and affordable brands, offering personal styling sessions, style events, Pop-Up shops and fashion champagne tea parties it was a fantastic few years where I got to know some brilliant local women – some of whom are now my dear friends.

It was an amazing experience and I loved the feeling of encouraging women to look and feel incredible but unfortunately had to cease trading in November 2016 when I was unable to extend my lease or to find an alternative retail unit locally. It was a very difficult decision which left me pretty heart broken at the time though it has enabled me to focus on freelance personal styling, retail consultancy and being a ‘present’ and slightly less stressed Mum!

Here are five random and fun facts about me;

1) I really love team sports and was in all the teams at school even if I wasn’t great, I just enjoyed being part of something bigger than myself and what you could achieve when you worked together. I was Captain of the rounders team and was very proud of this as it’s a game I love and now enjoy playing with my children and family/friends – though I am well known for being ridiculously competitive!

Photo by Annie Tsung on

2) I love dressing up and met my husband dressed as a ‘Space-Age Charlie’s Angel’ (involving lots of silver foil, white stiletto’s and a glitter striped mini skirt which was actually a boob-tube bought from a charity shop )

3) I have two children and had amazing home-births in a water pool in our bathroom in our home in beautiful Greenwich, London. I was supported by an independent midwife who I still think is a living angel. I had always wanted to live in Greenwich since I visited the park as a child so to combine both of these incredible experiences was a total dream.

4) I love horses, used to ride as a child with my sister and also spent nearly ten years working for the Racing Post – basically I got paid to go horse-racing amongst other work! I don’t ride anymore as I am too nervous now, but still occasionally go racing and enjoy sharing my love of it with friends and family. I think horses are beautiful and I still adore the smell of them, it brings back so many wonderful memories from my childhood.

5) I adore the sunshine, a perfect holiday to me is the sun, a pool, lots of great books and my notepad and pen! Find the warm spot and you’ll find me just like my cat!

Photo by Thorsten technoman on

Hope you enjoyed the random facts…why not follow me on instagram Stories With Clothes for daily outfit inspiration, style tips and photo’s of my work.

Feel incredible every day!

Abbey xxx

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